
Nov 21, 20209 min read
Bibliotherapy is a therapeutic approach that incorporates recommended media (from books to films) into the counselling process to promote understanding, normalisation, empathy, and development.
Andrew, utilising his background in arts and film studies, often incorporates Bibliotherapy into his practice as part of psychosexual education.
The media is saturated with sexual based content and the amount of information online and on the self help bookshelf can be overwhelming. There is some great content available but it can be hard to decipher the good from the bad.
Here you'll find recommendations and reviews from our resident blogger @thestaggeek around what to read, from peer reviewed journal articles to fiction, and what to watch, from TED talks to the latest Hollywood and Indy new releases ... as well as what to avoid. All material posted is the author's opinion and should not take the place of tailored advice, unique to your situation, from a medical or healthcare professional.
If you have any recommendations or want us to review some content we'd love to hear from you. Write to us on our socials or at